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Dr. Sears' Blog

Breaking down the latest research on Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition
Written By: Dr. Barry Sears, Ph. D | Creator of the Zone Diet

Polyphenols, Maqui and Delphinidins: What You Need To Know

Polyphenols are the chemicals that give vegetables and fruits their co...

Polyphenols | 2 min read

Burn Fat Faster

Now that the Covid-19 epidemic seems to be slowing down, we must conte...

Polyphenols | 5 min read

Cocoa Benefits Q and A

Dr. Sears answers some of the top questions we receive about our new C...

Polyphenols | 4 min read

Polyphenols: Key Features to Look at When Supplementing

This week we are introducing the newest members of our polyphenol line...

Polyphenols Zone Diet | 5 min read

Dr. Sears' Polyphenol Q & A

Dr. Sears answers some of the top questions we receive about polypheno...

Elle Q&A with Dr. Barry  Sears

Here's a glimpse at the questions Dr. Barry Sears was recently asked f...

Zone Pro-Resolution Nutrition

I am still constantly asked the question “What is the Zone?”. First, l...

Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are often villainized as the culprit for our weight gain...

The Importance of Polyphenols in Athletic Performance

Within every cell in our body are ancient bacterial fragments called m...

Healthy Aging with The Zone Diet

Within every cell lie the remnants of that ancient bacterial invasion ...

Maximize the Benefits From Your Fruits and Veggies

The research is very clear, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, th...

Understanding Zone Nutrition

The Zone is not some mystical place, but a real physiological state de...

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